Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Living Life in Hot Flashes

a sprint to the cold floor;
an ice cube on a warm day

or a burn up the sides
of your face
that feeling that everyone
is watching
but you’re alone in your room

that slip on the linoleum
and the look look look
and the squirm
and the no-good kids
standing too close
looking too shy

but those hot flash days
are too many
and the cool down pool days
are sinfully few
and they just keep slipping
out of my fingers
like water threw sand
sinking back into the ocean

and when I walk back
from that empty place
all barefooted
and painted toes
the side walk burns
and I just try to run
but my breath won’t hold
and it’s all

like that day I put that
cold metal to my too hot
and my brains
melted like acid threw the floor

but that’s a lie
my brains
really sizzled
like a thousand pops and snaps

singing a lullaby
"Goodnight baby"
“It’s too hot to sleep tonight”

but the no-good kids didn’t like it
and heck neither did I
and all the time they were screaming
“too much too much”
and I didn’t know what to do

so I sat in that pool of sizzling acid
and tried to put all the pieces together
without using lots of tape
but maybe I shouldn’t have skimped
cause it just wouldn’t fit

but no one noticed anyhow
and those hot flash days seem a little
cooler now
without all that over thinking

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Holding hands

Two girls walk down the street

My rooster and me

Her body screams “I fucking dare you”

But her eyes plead “Wake up”

And it’s no wonder why she hated school

Or why she can’t sit still

Because this day all the cars drive past

And shout their dirty words

Just because our hands are clasped

And I grip it tighter

And she swears under her breath

Saying something about the idiot of people

Who can’t even understand that two girls might just hold hands

And not have any underlying message in it

And at school they didn’t understand her

That weirdo, the freak

With her long matted hair

And her shredded jeans

And how she seems to just not care

So they wanted her to go to therapy

Because they thought she was depressed

Well of course she was depressed

But what do they expect

When we don’t hold hands at night anymore

Not after  we almost got gang raped

Walking back from her boyfriend’s house in April

And she shaved her head

Because her hair was made of lead

It just kept weighting her down

And she dropped out of school the next year

Cause she couldn’t stand

How asleep they all made her feel

And now we are walking down this street

And a guy is his red SUV

Rolls his window down to ask us “who’s the man?”

But isn’t it possible

That we just hold hands

To keep each other from getting lost

Because I was lost before I met her

And if she hadn’t grabbed my hand

I think I might have wondered off a bridge

Or onto a knife or a gun

And blown my brains out

All over the school’s white white walls

So we hold tight hands

As we’re crossing the street

And I say “to hell with them all”

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Playground Nights

My fingers twitch in rhythm
One two three
One two three
One two three four
Like playing the air
And I can hear the music
Of all these voices
And the squeak of the swings

And we sit so still on that
Playground structure
So absent of children
In the summer nights

And we barely touch
Just our little pinkies
But we are so close
Entwined in a way
I’ve never known
Like God stitched
Our hearts together
Like you stitched together all
Those patches on your hole-less jeans

And I need you here
More then I need air to breathe
More then I need food to eat
And I want to follow you
Like that day you went
To find that alien light
Dancing gold rain above us
And we walked and walked
And finally we gave in
And laid on the little merry-go-round
In the middle of this playground
And watched the stars
Paint white daydream light
In our minds

And it was so warm
We could have slept there
But we went home instead
But for that glorious moment
You held my hand
And the stars exploded
In my stomach
And ate a pathway to my soul

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Little Voices

Words irritate and caress me

Falling from those too hot lips

They sing like hot honey tea

But they sting like an angry bee

They keep saying

That all my sidewalk chalk days

Are over

That the dreams I keep

In that blue floral patterned pocket

I stitched like a secret

Into my sweat shirt

Will never come true

That my chain smoking brother

Won’t ever quit

Not even when his lungs turn

City street black

And he falls back back back

And he will sit in my mind

As a sick old man

Dragging a respirator filled

With yellow liquid around

And he will die the week after Easter

And that will be what my children

Remember him by

Not the so absorbed piano player

That doesn’t react

When you tap tap tap

His shoulder

And it takes

Five minutes

Just to get him to answer

“How much ice do you want?”

And I cant stand to listen to

All of this truth

So I just stay cooped up inside

Hopping its all a lie

And I stay all alone

Scared to move an inch

Till I’m a wrinkle in a

Dust filled house

With too many cats

And all those Rooster collored dreams

Didn’t rise with the sun

They stayed stashed with my photographs

In the whom of this house

Filled with spiders and mice

In its un-use

And someday I’ll go to the very back

In the corner

Behind the old chest

And the china set I never used

And take out all those dreams

I’ll wash them in the sink

Till they shine almost new

And I’ll slid them down my throat

And let them sit in my stomach

And I’ll wonder why I

Ever let these voices tell me off

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


do you remember that night
when we laid in your closet
and didn't say a word for so long
we just stared into each other's eyes
until you said so surprised
that you could see my eyes breath
you enchanted me
now every time i see you i get that feeling
the one that makes your stomach flip
do you know that before i met you
I had no idea what i wanted
maybe to go to college and become
nothing, just a brainless sheep
doing what i was told
do you remember that first time we really talked
i listened to you say imposable things
about running away and leaving the world we knew
they came pouring from such an normal looking mouth
and then i realized you are insane
but I liked it
do you remember all that planing we did
all the discussions of what to bring
and where we would stay
and how eventually all the talk of running away
became so much more beautiful
and so much less ill conserved
and we started talking of the way it should be
and how everything needs air
even our eyes
so that we can see
now we are so close
we can nearly hear the wind singing
we can nearly feel those green fields
and you are reaching your hands out
and brushing the fields
and tasting the salt in the wind
but I'm so scared
and I don't know why
and I keep repeating the same thing
over and over
and i think now
you were never insane
but I might be


I lay on that cold floor
hard wood presses me
and i reach down to lick it
it tastes like earwax
that gross taste
but even that is comforting
anything to anchor me down
to keep me in this dimension
and give me a little sanity
I can still hear people talking
I want them, no, need them
to be quiet
My heads still pounding
and I cant think straight
all my thoughts are trickling
out of my head like
buzzing pancake syrup
onto the wood
i forgot to turn off my light
and now its screaming at me
and I cant make my body move
and all i want is a cool glass of water
but i cant move
so I just lay there

The Other Jeans

We have the same eyes
the same thick un-tamable hair
the same quick tempers
and unspoken words
We have the same skin
and laugh lines
and large hips
and milk allergies
and every time i see you
I wonder if I have the same
future as well
do I have your marriage problems
your communication problems
when I'm older will my children
be scared of me too
will they leave in a car crying
like we did
will I scream at my sister
till my voice in raw
and will I cry every night for
a different life

Teenage Angst

squirm and fight
take the garbage out
frown at all the fruit flies
and pretend they don't exist
in our shitty houses
in our shitty town
let follow the train tracks
to that messy little bridge
and smash it with our hammers
you can come every time you get mad
i tell you
but inside i hope not at night
cause your too pretty to get hurt
and your so manly you might try


Rooster all your bracelets fit you right
they don't slid off of that white arm
and they layer so nice all mismatched together
all the blues and greens and reds and yellows
sparkle in the light
and the one I knit you isn't too tight
my wrists are nearly bear
just the scrap of fabric I use in my hair
and a few white scars that sit nearly still
and I tell you all those bracelets are wonder filled
and you say in a high voice that you know
and there is that one that keeps falling off
a little elastic one, thin and mostly yellow
and I say its so beautiful
and you give it to me
and I say I'll never take it off
but it falls off in my sleep

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

All Those Silly Americans

medicate me America
fill me with those drive threw hand outs
pump me full of all that naive freedom
till my veins fill up.
till I’m bleeding at the spot you stuck your needle
bleeding all that red white and blue

You make me feel like a young starlet
all swooped hair and painted eyes
and that fake beauty mark by my lip
all Xanax and Prozac in the hotel room

Take another
put it in your mouth
let it all fly

“I want you”
you tell us
but how?
how do you want us?
doped up?
a nice calm?
a nice nothing?

drive by all those quick stop stores
with their drive threw stands
I’d like a sandwich, a fry, and a handful of Oxy
I’d like a mind, a life, and
you to mind you own fucking business

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Your New Love

I can’t decide if I like you better
in love or out
in love you smile wide
your star hair is fussed with
your eyes shine a better blue
and your eyebrows pencil heavier
you laugh more
you sing more
you talk louder

out of love your eyes are sad
you look thinner
you look estranged
you look agitated
You yell more
You throw things around
You look at me with your
grey eyes
so similar to mine

But out of love you are
Out of love you are
in love you are
the other’s

and I still remember when
you smiled wide for him
when your hair was fussed with
for him
when your eyes shined that better blue
for him

and I still remember
when your laugh was for me
and for tickle fights
and when your songs were
for bedtime tuck-in’s
and your loud happy voice
was for us.

and now it’s for the other

and even though you look so happy
I just can’t decide


My head blurs
till I loss my balance and tip
on the way to the bathroom
till the left one is bigger
and the right one is just a prick

and that head of mine
it dances
and it throbs
and I press at my temples
and wonder if I took
that ice cream scooper
to those spots and scoop
out my brains

if this feeling would stop
so I drink lots of water
and watch all that tv
and hope the feeling
drifts away

and I lay in my bed
and I try so hard to rest my head
and I just keep falling

and I get to that point
when I need someone to catch me
and I don’t think anyone can
and I clasp my hands tight
and I curl up inside
and pray that I’ll be ok

and then the morning light comes
and it burns all I am
and I shield my self with
those blankets
and you knock on the door
and I let you in
and I hope that you’ll
be enough

please be enough

Thursday, July 14, 2011


lay with me on that bed
the one that moves like your
floating on a million balls
like you could just float away
lay with me and float

clasp your hands with mine
let me rest against your breast
the rise and fall of it
the beat increasing and increasing
in volume and intensity

fall out of these material bodies
lets continue this with the stars
a million faces staring at us
they wont understand
they wont comprehend

wrap your arms around me
swim with me
let the water pass bye you
let the seaweed ensnare your feet
let the water fill your stomach and lungs

lay with me in that bed made of
a million Styrofoam balls
fall into that euphoric embrace
fall into that rhythmic beat
fall into that beautiful song

Friday, July 8, 2011

Floppy Ears

floppy ears,
sink onto the floor
lay and grunt and dream of flowers
bit the heads off
one by one
two by two
eat them up

Floppy ears,
so soft
don’t give me that look
all exasperation
don’t give me that look
all funny eyebrows

Floppy ears,
so disobedient
I lead you around
and you pull away
“get away I don’t need you”
But when I’m gone you cry

Floppy ears,
cuddle up next to me
keep me warm
Keep me safe
and I’ll return the favor

Actresses and Actors

Minds such a blur right now
too little sleep
too many people talking
plugged in
its stabbing at my temples
make it stop
it’s boring its hole
get away
all you people
all you things
you never should have come here
too much noise
don’t let it distract you
your talking to me
your talking insane
so insane
everyone is just running around
in my mind
getting their filthy foot prints all over
how rude
haven’t they ever heard of floor mats?
and God why wont anyone shut up?
Shut up!
I never wanted you here
I never wanted any of this
but I’m too tired
just too tired
and you scream so loud
I can’t fall asleep

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Toy Soldiers

why do they talk so loudly at me?
all those toy soldiers
getting lost in the garden and Christmas tree
they talk so loudly
they lay buried in the soil
six feet deep
too deep to crawl back out
all those toy soldiers
getting lost in the garden
their heads chewed off by children and worms
they shouldn’t have been there, the garden
father said it was wrong
father said keep them close
keep them warm
But what father doesn’t know
wont kill him
It will just kill them
the little toy soldiers
lost in the garden
getting their heads chewed off


Barbie’s painted gold
oh how pretty with their perfect hair
but that paint it chips and
Little patches of skin show threw
How ugly
Little monsters cant keep clean
so wrap all those scraps of cloth
around them and tie bows
it keeps them modest
it keeps that sin out
Barbie’s painted gold
their perfect faces frozen
in that dumb stair
but careful of the mouth
you don’t want to swallow that
it will choke you
it will choke you dead

Porcelain Bertha

Bertha dear,
you look so pretty today
your pin curled hair
and that pale bow glued to your head
But Bertha,
your eyes look so distant
that electric blue isn’t doing it for you
they just look so empty
I guess your stuffing insides
aren’t enough to gain you a soul
but you hold your little teddy
like you care
and I’m sure if a spider ever crawled up your leg
you would flick it away
bertha dear,
you aren’t like my other friends
the ones with the smashed faces
or the plain ones with no spark
You could light a fire
Your pale lips give a faint smile and
God Bertha
You look so pretty today

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I haven't posted anything for a very long time. I have however writen things, so I am posting everything I have writen in about the last year, everything I like. The newest things are farther down.

Being an Emo Child

I can’t do anything right. Everything I do just gets me yelled at. Everything I say just ends up shattered with the dishes, left broken on the dining room floor. Once loving words are now turned to venom. Every exchange just adds to the flames. The world turns to ashes around me. I use to remember the good days, the days of sunshine and smiles and flowers. Now I don’t believe there ever were flowers, they all wilted before I was born. Now I don’t believe there ever was sunshine, the sun burnt out ages ago. Now I don’t believe there ever were smiles, I can’t remember the last time I saw yours. You use to be everything I ever wanted to be. Now you’re everything I can’t stand. Looking at you is like staring into my future, I’ll probably end up looking just like you. I have your hair, I have your eyes, do I have your failure too?

The Lake

I want this cold snow on my bare feet.
I want this biting wind against my skin.
I want this frozen water surrounding me.

I walk to that waters edge,
the one we use to play by on those winter days at dad’s house.
That house always gave me the creeps
too many dead deer heads.
too many sad car rides back to mom’s.

When did all this go to hell?
When was the last time mom smiled?
When was the last time dad prayed?
It took me so long to realize I have no idea.
It seems that my brain hasn’t been working for years now.
Please don’t be mad,
I never meant any harm.

I take off my tightly tied shoes,
my brightly colored winter coat,
my nicely knighted gloves and hat.
I leave them neatly folded on the sand.
I step onto the icy lake.
The cold makes me numb down to my toes.
The sharp ice cuts into my feet but I don’t mind.
The Lake has frozen in waves,
like all time has just stopped here.
There are no sounds around me,
the quiet is frightening.
I shiver slightly at the cold and my teeth chatter.
I get to the thinnest part of the ice.
I hear the ice crack around me,
The last thing I hear,
as I float away into that breathless,
black nothingness of Lake Michigan.

You’re Labyrinth

Your words entered through my ears staying stuck eternally on my mind.
The way you said my name: like it was something special,
well it turns out you were lying through it all.
I was never anymore then a fleeting after thought in your ever growing life of lies.
Those words you say to me get lost somewhere in my comprehension.
“I love you” sounds so shallow in your hollow mouth.


Her hands lay white as snow
getting whiter
Her lips are that red smear
Her eyes are so glossy
I did it again
I did it again
But oh god she was so white
so white
getting whiter
getting whiter.

Rain Rain

rain rain go away
my heads too cloudy to deal with you today
all the thunders too loud, and the lightings too bright
just leave me alone and I’ll be alright
why wont the sun come back and chase away this gloom
so I can breathe again and bloom
take your hands out of my head
and your teeth out of my  bed
The tooth fairy’s not here tonight

My Check List

A splash of orange, a little yellow
the smell of gasoline and hot, sticky leather
music turned ear drum blasting loud
swishy skirts of multi-colors, and nice tank tops
sunflower seeds and raisins and crisp honey-golds
bare feet on the dashboard and knees tucked in tight
bags packed in the back, ready for somewhere new.
and you

Little Sister

Do you remember
            when fairy dust could still make you fly?
            when sticks were pirate swords and pistols?
            when a knee scraped meant certain death?
Do you remember
            when winter meant running barefoot in the snow?
            and summer meant playing in the hoes?

Do you remember
when we would hold hands and become twins?
when leaves, mud and orange berries were witches potions?
Do you remember
            hot nights in yellow rooms?
            snowball fights and red balloons?
            Grandparent’s cats held upside-down?
            and screaming fights that would get too loud?

I remember
            laying down, just you and me.
            first kisses, first bike rides, and last cookies.
I remember
            how you cried and screamed when I tried to run away.
I remember
            all those scary stories, told late at night
dancing on the trampoline
            and all our stupid fights


I want
no strings attached
no promises need keeping


I feel that desperation swallow me.
It fills me with that blur,
The static consumes me.
It weighs me down till I can’t move.
I want to live again,
Cast away this wood overhead,
Once again walk with the living.
All my wind comes rushing in.
I jolt with the unexpectedness of it,
My throat tightens as I gasp for air
All those tears I’ve captured are let go.
I hurt all over,
But at least I can breathe.
My hands shake.
I curl up into myself,
I’m held there until I drift,
Off to the stars.


when I was young
the circle was so big,
so inviting,
so warm.
the people all smiled,
and sang
and believed.
the bread was sweet.
the wine was rich and unknown.
I held my mother’s hand
and prayed in belief.
the circle is empty
and clinical.
the people frown,
mouths shut,
and they falter.
I take the bread
and dip it in the wine,
its tasteless on my tongue.
and I pray to believe.

Just remember to Breathe

Those hands close around my throat
I can’t breathe
Oh god I can’t breathe
Those hands wrap around my mouth till I can’t speak
I cant speak
Those hands rip my stomach
I feel so sick
oh so sick
 I curl up in my self
I can’t think
I don’t want to think
I need someone to save me
but I don’t think I can be saved
I’m so dirty
I’m so dirty
so dirty
I want to rip those hands off of me
I want to so badly
But those hands hold my wrists down
till they shake
I can’t stop the shakes
Those hands close around my throat
I can’t breathe
why can’t I breathe?

Too Little Fun

Sunshine sunshine
why do I hide?
I want to see you
You make me explode inside

Why do I sit away from you
Why do I stall and say will do
I never go to see you anymore
I feel cramped and muted and dead

I’m so Asleep inside
and I don’t know why
I thought this would end
when Summer came
But it just got worse

I need inspiration
I need devine intervention
I need to get up and move
I need
I need
I need

A life…

How you Make Me

Suffocate me
Tie me to that bed
Light me on fire and call it a day
You’re a child
You know nothing
You know nothing

Why didn’t you carve out my heart
Like you carved the silhouettes of your hands on me?
Why don’t you do that now?
You’ve crippled me
why don’t you finish it?

I was just a child
I knew nothing
I knew nothing
Pin me to that wall
Like that little purple butterfly
pin me to that wall
leave me there to look at
Your sick
You are nothing
You are nothing

I cant stand those eyes on me
Get them off
Get them off
I hate you
I hate you
Don’t make me look at you
I’m sick
I’m nothing
I’m nothing

You’re a child
You know nothing
You know nothing

Mind the Gap

I have this feeling in my chest
Its what drives me
Its what freezes me
Its what will kill me
It is this pit
This absolute nothing.
Its that spot of emptiness
But if it is this empty why is it so heavy?
Why does it feel so full that it will burst?
It is that spot that hurts when I listen to something beautiful
It is that spot that burns with passion
It is that spot that makes me silent
Is this my soul?
Its my driving force, my pain, my joy, my loneliness, and my completeness
I want to rip it out
Take that big kitchen knife on the counter and dig it down my chest
Right down from that spot above my collar bone
Too the right below my ribs
Then i could dig around inside and find that spot, that pit
I could rip it out
I could burn it on the driveway like some twisted pagan ritual
Dance and dance and fall and.. and...
Be no more
Just a shell with glassy eyes looking up at the sky
or looking at the pavement
Or looking nowhere
Because I am nowhere
I am nothing
I am just that shell with a soul no more, ripped out till nothing remains...
"But you, you’ve gone too far this time" -Mumford & sons


Here I lay
Too cold
Too warm
A clash of thoughts
The blur of nothing
My heads a pond
I just swim around
Too cold
Too warm
I just swim around

Those Stupid Aunt Farms

jumble jumble all these thoughts in my head
So cool in the shade
too hot in the sun
You look so pretty
You are so ugly


no more aunt farms burying around
they took too much
they lost it all in that mad desperation for
a place to call there own.

Stay still
chill out
It will all work out

easy for you to say you dont have to live in here

all you happy love songs you dont know shit
there are no happy endings
Not here
not here
Not here
Not there either

you can make your tea and sing your little songs
like "God bless American"
and that one where all those miners die
but i wont hear you anymore
the music
too short

Nonsense nonsense this is all nonsense
A trick of my mind
used on myself
in a vain attempt
to loss it all
or maybe win it

Stay still
chill out
It will all work out

Its all so jumbled

Red rover

The shiny metal in my hand
pressing temple
one two three

All gone

those feelings of inadequacy
I soar above the aunts of the earth
my body floats in between the stars
I make them my friends
We play red rover up on the horizon
I always seem to lose

Take me away to that spot in your chest
hold me so close, too close.
You burn
the dead are falling from the sky
Don’t fall with me
The stars they scream too loud for me
they would be too loud for you too

hold my cold hand
touch it to your cheek
Is it warmer now?
put it in the stove
Is it warmer now?

Take me away to that spot in your chest
Hold me
now let me go
"but no" you say
"Let me stay"
don’t stay
your too hot for me
stop thawing
thawing me out.

i'm too warm now
i'm too warm now
i'm too warm now
i'm too...

follow me up to the stars and we can play red rover
red rover red rover send me over
and we can scream that they are too loud.

Monday, January 10, 2011


That blanket so warm wrapped around me
Keeps me warm oh so warm.
Knit by old warn hands
From old scraps of yarn
It shimmers in the light like the stars.
A rainbow of every color.
A collage of every texture.
It reminds me of that old farm house.
Always so warm.
Always so bright.
The sun shines in magnificent ways off
The red barn, the white snow, the bright faces.
The smell of pumpkin pie and pine trees is
Soaked in the blanket.
It helps when this gray of my life
Over takes me and tells me it’s not alright.
I wrap up in this warm and color
Dreaming of a place much better.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


colors of red, black, brown, and orange swirl around me. I feel this puke in my tummy rise...

Saturday, January 8, 2011


I feel this sick sensation in my stomach. The bile rises to my chest. Is this my unjustifiable excitement or just a stomach over full of peppermint tea?